Monday, February 14, 2011

love triangle


Sometimes this mamma works so hard on the weekends when daddy is watching the kiddos that she forgets to do her most important jobs. I can't believe I forgot to make valentines for school with Mara! I realized this at 7:30 this morning (15 mins before we leave- and 4 hours after I had finished working and gone to bed -oiy!) I live this scenario way too often, so that means I'm not afraid to take it by the horns. I managed to design and make 30 valentines in 10 minutes flat, with the help of Mara of course.

I know that I'm really doing what I love when I can spend 42 hours in my studio over just 3 days and wake up the next day after only 4 hours of sleep and feel rejuvenated. Physically, I feel pretty hungover, but mentally and emotionally I'm awesome. I love what I do! Now I just need to balance things out a little better so I don't miss out on the biggest love of my life- my family.

Cheers to the people we love supporting us while we do the things that we love! Happy Valentines Day!

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