Every fall we take the kids up to Minneapolis to visit Josh, Mary, and Gabrielle (Matthew's brother and his fam). I love spending time with them in their beautiful home. Gabrielle and Mara are only 3 weeks apart in age, they're buddies. Plus I just like the city. But as a bonus, we always drive up the weekend that they host the Annual Apple Picking and Chili Dump.
You may be wondering what a chili dump is. Well, Josh spends the afternoon after we get back from the apple farm baking cornbread. Then around 5pm or so, guest start arriving. With them, they have a container of homemade vegetarian chili. Each of the containers are emptied into a huge pot on the stove. We eat. Then more of J&M's charming friends roll up on their bikes and empty their containers into the pot. We eat some more. The chili gets awesomer and awesomer. Then Jeff shows up and I am thankful that the children have already eaten because the chili is always too spicy after he dumps. The backyard fire is lit, the barrel is emptied, conversations get nostalgic, good times ensue.
Anyways, here are some of this year's pictures from the farm.

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