Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello Again

It's been a long time since I posted. Too much has happened! I guess I'm still confused as to how much of life should be documented and shared and how much I should just let happen and drift off. Also, when it took me too long to post about the first thing I took pictures of, I went on debating whether I could still post it even though something else I wanted to blog about happened already, and the whole conundrum subconsciously overwhelmed me, I think.
Anyways, here's what I'll do to recap; pictures with one-sentence captions. Just a few things that happened in the last month.....

Little Ocean showed in the Prism Fashion Show at the Domes.

Mara did colorful "experiments" in the kitchen.

Makai got a respiratory infection and I stayed in the hospital with him while my parents took the rest of my family to Florida.

We purchased a foreclosed duplex in our neighborhood in our aspiration to be slumlords.

After three and a half years as a storefront, I closed Fasten and helped Sparrow take it's place.

Whoa, that last one is a doozie. Feels good to see it summed up nice and simple like that, though there was nothing simple about that decision at all.

Well, that'll do. I'll try to post daily now to avoid this in the future. We'll see how I do. I'll have to get faster at one-handed typing. (Makai is on my lap whining at this very moment)

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